Jawline Slimming
in Sutherland

At The Smile Space, we know how important it is to feel confident in your appearance. That’s why we offer jawline slimming in Sutherland. This minimally invasive treatment can help you achieve a more slender and defined jawline, giving you the boost of self-esteem you need. 

Contact us today to find out more!

HAVE A SLIMMER, YOUTHFUL FACE WITH Our Jawline Slimming Treatment

You want a slimmer face and a more contoured jawline but don’t want to go under the knife. It’s affecting your self-esteem, and you don’t feel happy with your appearance. Facial slimming injections can be used to help give you the shape you desire without undergoing surgery.

The Smile Space offers jawline slimming treatments that are safe, effective, and minimally invasive to help you regain your confidence. Our friendly team of experienced professionals will work with you to achieve pleasing and natural-looking results. They will also prioritise your safety and comfort throughout the procedure. Plus, only state-of-the-art equipment and technology are used in our clinic, so all our patients receive high-quality care. If you’re ready to get a slim and contoured jawline, book a consultation with us today and see how we can help you!

Advantages Of Jawline Slimming

Jawline slimming, or masseter injections, is a popular procedure among men and women that can help to slim and contour the jawline. These cosmetic injections can also improve the appearance of jowls and double chins without undergoing surgery. Though it may seem like a purely cosmetic treatment, it can also provide health benefits.

It can help slim your face and improve your self-esteem

Everyone has different facial features, and there is no defined standard of beauty. However, your jawline or chin may be something that you are self-conscious about. This treatment can help to improve your image and how you feel about yourself. 

Facial slimming injections can also give you a more balanced facial appearance. This way, you can feel good in your own skin and present yourself to the world with confidence.

It can help to relax the masseter muscles, reducing teeth grinding and TMD symptoms

The masseter muscles are the ones that allow you to chew. When they are overworked, they can cause many problems, such as teeth grinding (bruxism) and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). 

Jawline slimming can relax these muscle tissues, preventing teeth from grinding against each other. Additionally, when these muscles are relaxed, it can help to reduce TMD symptoms. This allows you to avoid the damage caused by bruxism and get relief from TMD pain and discomfort.

Get Outstanding Dental Care with Us Today

At The Smile Space, we believe that comprehensive dental care should be accessible to everyone. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care, using the latest technology and techniques. If you're looking for a dentist in Sutherland, book an appointment at The Smile Space today!

The Smile Space

Why Choose
The Smile Space

Feeling comfortable with your smile begins with feeling confident about your dental team. The skilled dentists at our clinic will strive to achieve the desired results for each patient. Our team is highly trained in the latest dental procedures and techniques, which means you can expect to receive the highest quality of care possible.

We understand how important your time is. At The Smile Space, we aim to provide you with all the dental treatments and services you need in one convenient location.

Our patients deserve exceptional cosmetic and dental care. We are proud to say that our modern facility is equipped with the latest technology for a comfortable and efficient experience.

We don’t want you to worry about the cost of your procedure. That’s why we accept all health funds and provide quick and simple claims through HICAPS so you can get the treatment you need.

Frequently Asked Questions
About Jawline Slimming

Here are some reasons why you may want to get a facial slimming treatment:

  • To improve the appearance of your smile.
  • To boost your confidence.
  • To feel more comfortable in social situations.
  • To make a good first impression in professional settings such as work.
  • To reduce teeth grinding.
  • To reduce TMD symptoms such as pain, headaches, and jaw tension.
  • To avoid more invasive cosmetic surgical procedures.

Here is the general process for getting double chin treatment:

  • Firstly, your skin and cheeks are wiped and cleaned. Topical anaesthesia will be applied to numb the area.
  • The botulinum toxin is then injected into specific points on your masseter muscle. You can expect 2-4 treatment injections on each side of your face.
  • They will repeat this step on the other side of your face.
  • After that, the area is massaged for a minute to distribute the product evenly.

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks of getting side effects from a double chin treatment. These include:

  • Swelling or pain at the injection site
  • Temporary numbness
  • Bruising
  • Drooling
  • Crooked smile
  • Headaches
  • Flu-like symptoms

Note that these are usually temporary and will subside in a few days after treatment, up to a week. Jawline slimming is a safe and effective procedure with long-lasting effects.

Most health funds do not cover cosmetic procedures such as facial slimming injections. However, you may be able to get a partial rebate if your procedure will be done for medical reasons. We recommend contacting and checking with your health fund provider beforehand to see what is included in your plan.